Cross with blue


Our Mission Statement



To discover and act on God's purpose.

Core Values


We proclaim that Jesus is Lord. In every decision and action, we strive to emulate Jesus' teachings.


We listen for the Word of God from wherever and however it comes.
Trusting that we will be led, we strive to faithfully respond to God's call.


We believe that we are saved by the grace of God alone, and not by anything we do.
Our salvation is only through faith.


God will bring many to our doors, and we will welcome them.


We are called to help provide for the needs of our neighbours including those
in the congregation, in Orleans, and around the world.


 We learn from each other, the scriptures and prayer.
Through the discerning and offering of our gifts and talents, we seek to grow in discipleship and service.


Recognizing our gifts, our Mission is to be a spirit-filled congregation,
actively spreading the Gospel, and serving God through service to our community.


Vivid Description

Resurrection is continually discovering and acting on God's purpose. Recognizing our gifts, our mission is to be a spirit-filled congregation, actively spreading the Gospel, and serving God through service to our community. What that means is that we are a responsive and joyful church where Jesus is Lord. We share our resources in the community, with the community, and with each other. We strive to be a church that is so meaningful and so relevant that each generation finds itself constantly recharged, and desires to serve and share their talents. We celebrate what has been achieved, and know that the future is even more exciting!


Adopted: March 24, 2007